Making a DonationThis stunning building costs a fortune to run!
Can you help please?
If you would like to support us by making a donation, we would be most grateful. A one-off or a regular donation, may be made through the Parish Giving Scheme. You can add Gift Aid through this scheme. If you would like to make a donation towards some other aspect of church life - eg general funds, mission and outreach, the Organ Fund, the Choral Foundation, or Nightlight, or if you would like to give a memorial gift or leave a legacy, please contact us with details to accompany your donation.
Gift Aid can be claimed by us on any amount if you are a regular tax payer. Please complete a Gift Aid form (below) and post or email it to us with your donation details. . Thank you so much. Gift Aid Form:
Leaving a Legacy
Legacy income has supported the work of All Saints over many decades. It ranges from money given for specific purposes, such as the repair of the building, to money which the Church is free to use wherever it is most needed. Some years ago, for example, much-needed new chairs were purchased with a legacy. A legacy can be donated for use at the discretion of the Vicar, Churchwardens and PCC (Parochial Church Council); or you specify how it is to be used. That might be to support the music, choir, organ, bells, fabric, staffing, or mission of the church, or for some other particular purpose. If you aren't sure, please ask one of the clergy or church officers. There is further information on the Church of England's legacy website. Services |