The Vision of All Saints' Parish Church, Leamington Spa:
"To be a place where hope is nurtured through compassion, wonder, and faith."
This is our working Vision Statement, agreed by the Parochial Church Council in September 2020. It expresses how we discern our role and it's the benchmark against which we decide how and where to focus our efforts.
Integrity The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Jesus was true to himself and to his vocation. He resisted the temptation to take the easy path or to collude with what he knew to be wrong. It was costly, taking him to the Cross - but that was necessary, and the only path through to the Resurrection. We aspire to be honest before God and one another, and to hold firm to what we believe even when that is unpopular or inconvenient.
Compassion Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. The compassion of Jesus is evident throughout the Gospels. The dead are brought to life, the sick are healed, the poor are given dignity and hope. We may not be miracle-workers ourselves, we may not have all the answers to the challenges and misfortunes of life, but love for neighbour and especially for the neighbour who is suffering is a value we hold dear.
Commitment The quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him. He invites us to belong to his Kingdom, making the commitment to love God whole-heartedly and our neighbours as ourselves. He calls us through our baptism to live as children of light. We are committed to being his disciples, to the best of our ability.
Creativity The use of skill and imagination to produce something new or to produce art. Creativity flows from God, the Creator of all things. It's a gift to the world, not only to the Church. As we are inspired in the exercise (and appreciation) of creativity, whatever form that may take, we become more truly human and more open to the work of God within us. Creativity also fosters good mental health and well-being. Christian tradition is rich in creativity: prose, poetry, dance and drama; music and art; architecture, sculpture, and carving; textiles and embroidery. We commit to using our creativity in the service of others, and to encouraging the creativity of others.
Wonder A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar. Our glorious building inspires wonder; people enter and are awed. We strive to open ourselves to wonder through the worship we offer. It's a little glimpse of the wonder of heaven; the wonder of the multitudes who worship God in a life beyond this one. In a world which can seem mundane and uncaring, wonder keeps the rumour of God alive within us, and guards us from cynicism and despair.
We are also committed to work in a way which is both inclusive and sustainable.